Sunday, 30 September 2012

have you noticed the military?

well now its becoming a real issue, the military are on our streets!
that ok you might say BUT ask why?
they are introducing the military into public events and into public places to get us used to seeing them there. where will it stop? military personnel, with their weapons at airports, train stations, large public events (the Olympics) and on the streets!!
this gradual drip feed is relentless to get YOU to accept armed military soldiers policing the streets and ENFORCING the POLICY by military force.
Dont forget they are artificially hyping the respect YOU MUST show to the soldiers, dont think i am anti military, i respect the sacrifice they make to defend the sovereignty of this nation and i have many family members that have servers and are currently serving in the military, they are just as much a victim of this deception as we are.
We are being manipulated to conform to the rules of a society that we did not ask nor want to join. The military personnel are so manipulated to follow the orders of their commanders, however, what is not reported is the many episodes of soldiers questioning the orders and questioning the militarisation of the streets.
when will their concerns and ours be answered or will the continued militarisation of the policing of the streets become a reality in the not to distant future. The public are against the arming of the policemen and police women on the streets but will, after much drip drip drip addition of soldiers into everyday life and on the streets, we will have armed personnel policing the streets. when will this all end?
only YoU can do something! will you sit back and allow this gradual militarisation of the policing of our peaceful and free streets or will YoU let them create a military backed dictatorship with all YOUR freedoms removed, the arrest and detention without reason of your friends and family. when will it affect you? when will you do something? i'll bet only when it affects YOU, untill that time you will be apathetic and let them do what they want!!
if you want a better world YOU must do something about it and NOW is the time.
Find out what is really happening, look for the truth behind the news, you are not being told everything. educate yourself and find the truth only YOU can make the change to produce a better world.

Saturday, 8 September 2012


I have had all summer to consider the thousands of acts of parliament that are in FORCE as of now, with the sure fact that more will undoubtably follow!! and I have come to a realisation, well just confirmed in my own mind, what they are for.......
All statutes apply to the LEGAL FICTION created in your name and all LEGAL FICTIONS are employees of UK plc. So....... if UK plc wants more money it takes it from its employees, just like any other company. When a company is deep in debt, it either reduces its workforce or reduces the wages of its workforce. Well UK plc does the same just in a covert manner. We the people work and are duped into paying taxes because we think we are the LEGAL FICTION, this much we already know, so how does UK c get more money, it puts monetary penalties on its rules and regulations, the statutes. So if you break a statute there is a fine to pay. Ever noticed how many NEW rules there are these days!!!!! Put your bin out on the wrong day THEY fine you. Drink alcohol in a PUBLIC place and they fine you.............
You get the idea, if no one is being hurt what is the issue? And don't forget all the fines issued from CCTV evidence!!!!  All you Can be certain of is the list of rules and regulations is ever increasing so that they can keep the money flowing into paying the corrupt loans and currency buying that the government have made to the bank of England, the IMF, the world bank and the international bank of settlements. Some of these you have probably heard of but the BIS is a one room operation in Switzerland (check it out).
All of these loans are at interest because UK plc is a company. If the UK took back its sovereignty and it's right to produce its own currency we would have no national debt, there would be no unemployment the would be no poverty. To good to be true? Well think about it. Why are there people out of work, companies are not producing ..... However roads need repair,hospitals need equipment etc...etc.....
If the government used the treasury to print its own currency, the they could commission the road repairs, the equipment to be made and pay for it with treasury notes. The wages would be paid, the work done, employment for all and the taxes would return the money to the treasury..... Simple
They why are they not doing it?
Again simple, the government do not run the country!! It Is and has been run by the large multi national banks for hundreds of years. The government is not even the government of the country, they are just a board of directors for UK plc. They are reducing the money paid to the workforce, increased taxes (both obvious and hidden) they are increasing the fines and penalties to remove your money from you and they are reducing the benefits paid their employees!!! Remember child tax benefit? Well that has been whittled away to nothing, now they are engaged in targeting the sick and disabled and yes there will be those who swindle the system but be honest that are a very small percentage, calculated as less than 0.001 percent of all claims.
So when that say it is in the national interest what they mean it is their interest!!
Look closer and try not to be fooled
Remember to find out for yourself and not be TOLD what to believe. The TV very often lies!!
Remember history is written by the winners..... What will you let them write?? Cos they are winning..
We are supposed to be the most intelligent species on the planet, well now is the time to start acting like it. Take nobodies word for it,not even mine......... Check this all out for yourself!!!

You were born free, they tried to enslave you, will you live free? Only you can decide

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Debt free money is available

Here is a little known fact, the UK treasury can issue its own currency debt free!
YES, that's right the UK treasury can issue its own  currency and it would be created with no debt to anyone.
It has done it before and recently, just after WW2. The treasury openly acknowledge this but seem to prefer using Bank of England currency, which they have to borrow at interest!
Somehow this does not make sense. Why have a national debt is the treasury can it chooses not to, print its own money and payout in full
 Corrupt you might think?