Saturday 10 March 2012

I work for UK plc!!!!!!

When all this sinks in it is easy to think that someone or some thing is trying to make life more difficult than it needs to be. Whether I wanted it ir not, actually no one asked, I am an employee of UK plc. I have a works number (it's your NI number), they provide benefits of employment, health care, pension. An employee I am bound by the company rules and regulations, statutes. Only thing is I never signed a contract with them!!!! It is just assumed that I, the human, will agree to represent the entity who does have the contract with them, the legal fiction that has a name similar to me. They don't care if you are "the person" or not they just want to exercise the company rules. Ever had a demand for money for someone with a similar name? Ever rang the department responsible for sending the demand? I received a demand for council tax addressed to someone with same initials and family name as mine, once opened I realised that it was intended for someone else. I rang the council concerned and explained the situation and they said it must be me they sent it to and that I must pay. In laity I nhad never lived in this councils area, ever!!!!! I was made to feel as I was in the wrong and I was asked to prove that the demand was not for a debt I owed!! I would of thought that the onus of proof was theirs. After two half hour phone calls, which I paid for and three letters more from them I got sick and just said to the minion on the receiving end of the third call, that I was not going to pay this demand that it was not my responsibility and anymore correspondence from them would be deemed harassment. No more letters and no more demands. Who do they think they are????? Do I want to live by their rules? NO Cn I terminate my employment with the UK plc? YES. The UK being a company Is subject to company law as set out in their rules and regulations. They must abide by their own rules, so they are bound by statutes. I am currently studying employment law and contract law and statutes concerned with both. I want out. I want to live by my rules and regulations and to live my life by the LAW of GOD not by the rules of men. The truth shall set you free, Lawful rebellion

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