Friday 23 March 2012

Policeman and police officers

Now the first thing you will say they are both the same.... And you would be wrong! Got your attention? Keep reading and follow my reasoning and cogitate for yourself. A policeman or policewoman is a sworn upholder of the peace. They swear an oath to uphold the laws of the land and keep the peace. You can search for their oath wording and check this for yourself. So if they can only uphold the law of the land,which is common law, as enshrined in thousands of years of judicial practice, all based upon the notion of harm to another human being or their property, any breach being a crime, why are they trying to enforce statutes on us, which are NOT the LAW of The LAND??? A police officer can enforce statutes, as mentioned before statutes are contracts, so if you agree to be bound by them and default on your obligations you must be brought to account. This is where a policE officer comes into play. The general police constable is duped into believing that they are a policE officer ,when they are obviusly not as they swear their oath to uphold the LAW of The LAND and keep the peace. A police man or police woman can and must exercise their powers of discretion, when dealing with a human being, HOWEVER a policE officer has no discretion, they are only there to serve penalty notices on those PERSONS who are breaking their contracts. Just as a side note the ultimate policE officers are the PCSO's,they have sworn no oath, they are purely government employees with the explicit task of punishing those who PERSONS who break their contracts. My thoughts, a PolicE officer has NO jurisdiction over ME the HUMAN,unless I agree to be the PERSON, remembers person is an artificial entity,a LEGAL FICTION. Only if I allow them to call me Mr ............ and I answer I the affirmative do I agree to be the PERSON with my name, then I become liable for all statutory offences by default as the PERSON is always guilty. However if I refuse to be addressed as Mr.......... and insist on them calling me by my common name, the one you use in everyday life (NO SURNAME only companies have an OVER NAME) if they insist you can say you have no surname but you have a family name, if they are making notes make sure they write it down as you have said it. Remember we are all HUMAN beings, all equal under the LAW,titles are irrelevant and unnecessary to the LAW. If I live my life without causing harm or loss to another human being, the police have no jurisdiction,as I have not committed any crime. If they want to enforce statutes on me,they have to prove I, the human, consented. I am never the LEGAL FICTION, except when it suits me!!!!!! Ok this sound a bit weird but as a human I can contract with whom I like when I like.icanchoose to accept contracts that are in my favour and decline those which are not. Robert-Arthur: Menard explains this better,I suggest you check out some of his videos on YouTube. Policemen and policewomen do a fantastic job of keeping the peace for all those who reside in this country and for that they should be applauded and thanked. They just need to be gently reminded of their sworn duty and politely educated to help them educate others as to the difference between them and policE officers, the job of which they can do without.

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